Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Historical Medieval Battles

Relatively recently, I began to engage in a historical medieval battle. as it turned out it is not so easy. the weapon is heavy, the helmet gives a small overview. however, this is for sure the most interesting sport for me. during the training I not only physically strengthened myself, but also learned a lot of the new from the history of the Middle Ages.

The fighter-participant of tournaments is dressed in full armor, which, like weapons, is made from historical samples. For training, high-quality protective sports equipment is used. Classes are held intensively and without harm to health. In contrast to the show battles, often held at festivals of the historical reconstruction of the Middle Ages, medieval battles are in full contact, judged by sports judges who have special training and experience of participating in competitions. Also, unlike historical fencing, the medieval battle took a lot from modern martial arts, given that wrestling technique is its essential component, not only is it not banned, but it is also mandatory.

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